Friday, June 17, 2016

San Antonio Zoo

So excited to announce that I will be doing sessions at the San Antonio Zoo! My goal was to get photos of my youngest while her big sister was off at camp so that y'all would have a better idea of what your session here would look like, but as most parents know, children have their own ideas of what they want to do, and alas, she did not want to have her photos taken

No fear, I still scoped out different spots that would make for a gorgeous backdrop, and even though I was not able to walk around the entire zoo before my little one decided on it being nap time, I was able to capture some beautiful locations.

Sessions before Labor Day would start at 8am, before the zoo opens to non zoo members. After Labor Day, sessions would be at 9am. I will be able to get either two adults and two children in for free or one adult and three children. For those who are zoo pass holders, make sure to have your passes on you when we go to get all of your family in!

Remember, to keep up with discounted/free photo sessions, head over and like

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