Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Brynlee and Kaylee

"The journey of a premature baby is often one step forward and two steps back. Watch them breathe, watch them sleep, and nourish them with lots of liquid gold. When strong enough, they will take three leaps forward and never look back."

Brynlee turned the big ONE in June and her sister, Kaylee, turns FIVE July 3rd. They are celebrating in style with a circus themed party! Brynlee had mixed feelings about this session, but that was okay, because memories are memories, no matter the smile or cake stuffed tears (because admit it, sometimes you just need to cry and eat cake).

 Between the tears, Kaylee would swipe some cake off for herself and help Brynlee dive into the cake. Her little tummy and leg rolls were the cutest thing with her crop top circus outfit and if I didn't know better, I would never think she was born 5 weeks early.

Happy Birthday, sweet girls!!
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